I've learned to keep a point and shoot camera on the kitchen counter because my camera is always downstairs, so I miss things if I don't have immediate access to the camera. So bear with the pictures, especially since they are shot with my left hand instead of my right. It definitely was a challenge.
Happy Halloween! We carved pumpkins for the first time with Adam on Tuesday night as a kind of late Family Home Evening. Mainly because our well was being worked on, so no water. But that's a story for another day.
Daddy and Adam with our pumpkins. Not just the pumpkins that we carved, but we actually grew these in our very own garden. So exciting to me, and you'll see more garden conquests soon. There were more pumpkins about the same size as the little one, but when the cold weather hit we had to bring them in the garage and they had brown spots which turned into mold spots. I have a few ideas on how to better grow the pumpkins next year.