So those of you that knew me growing up and are wondering how in the world did Travis get his mind changed about skiing. Well last year my in-laws drug me up to Kelly Canyon for night skiing. After the evening of fun and instruction by both a sister-in-law and a mother-in-law I started to have (here comes the scary word) "fun". For the rest of the 2009-2010 and 2010 - 2011 ski season I was tutored and sometimes what feels like beat over the head with a Louisville Slugger and learned how to ski. (Somewhat.....)
My ski instructor is also a good friend from work who has had the patience with me to teach a 27 year old what my 3 year old is learning this year. Richard has helped me learn and enjoy what can be a truly fun and beautiful sport. So thanks Richard for all your tutelage, guidance, and patience with me over the last two seasons. Tasha and I are deeply grateful. (More Tasha :) )
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